Friday, 15 May 2009

It's Candy Time, this post will remain at the top until 15th May.

Right then ladies, i've decided to give out some candy to celebrate the fact my Adam will be 7 in May, can't quite believe he's that age already, oh how time flies when you are having fun. I will let it run until midnight on the 14th May, and the winner will be announced on the 15th May after the birthday celebrations are over. The winner will be chosen by

All you have to do is:

1. Post a link to this post on your own blog (you must have a blog to enter)
2. Leave a comment on this post with the address of your own blog
3. Become a follower of my blog.

I have taken photos of the candy up for grabs, but, my camera isn't connecting to the PC for some reason, so I'll try again tomorrow, but up for grabs are

Set 2 of the Gorjuss Girls designed by Suzanne Woolcot for Sugar Nellie, Preorder is now closed and these won't be available as singles until late May.

Daisy and Dandelion A5 Paper Collection

Daisy and Dandelion 3 pack of Coloured Stickers

Daisy and Dandelion Clear Stamps

A tube of silicone adhesive

Tub Clear Embossing Powder

Papermania 3 Pack Pigment Stamp Pads

A pack of K&Co Amy Butler Designer Cards.

Forever Friends 3 Pack of stickers

A selection of stamped images, which will include Sugar Nellies, Whiff of Joys, Tildas and Anyas.


1 – 200 of 570   Newer›   Newest»
Tina said...

I Fiona, you have a lovely blog and thank you for the chance of winning some great blog candy. I have linked you to my blog.
Here is my blog.

coldwaters2 said...

Wow what fab candy and a fab blog I will become a follower and post your candy on my blog at

Lorraine x

Wiccababe said...

hmmmm methinks Fiona has gone mad - what on earth are you giving all that away for???
will away and link your candy in my sidebar and I'm pretty sure I'm a follower anyway (if I'm not I will add myself) and you've been on my blog roll for ages too.
just want to wish everyone luck xxx

Jayne Hayward said...

Hi Fiona what fantastic blog candy you have up for grabs. Its amazing how fast kids grow up these days, just wish they could stay younger for longer!

Anyway a great opportunity to win. I have posted a link in my sidebar. here's my blogJayne xx

Marsha said...

Wow great candy, I have posted a link on my blog, thanks for the chance to enter.

Donna said...

Hi fiona been following your creations on crafters companion forum only just created my own blog added a lonk to yours keep up the good work with lots more of your gorgeous cards fab site

my site is

clare said...

I Fiona....just found your blog and all your creations are gorgeous hun..would so love the chance at this amazing candy you've got..ive become a follower and ill link your candy on my side bar..thanks hugs clarexx

Liza said...

Amazing candy! Thanks for the chance to win and I'm off to link now.

Liza x

Malin E said...

OH WOW I must say!
I think this is so nice of you I would love to join since I can´t get these stamp in sweden!
I made a link on the sidebar in my blog.
Now I really cross my fingers. =o)<3
Hugs Malin

Nora said...

I'm now one of your stalkers, I've linked you, & I would REALLY love to win this set. Every time I try to pick some up online, they're out of stock. Very sweet of you to offer up so many wonderful goodies.

Happy birthday to Adam - he's only a few months older than my Aidan (is yours a bubbly 'lil handful, too?)...


Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Thanks so much for offering this awesome blog candy! I would love to have these little girls stamps ~ they are just the cutest!
I've linked you on my blog & became an official stalker.

Unknown said...

Wow! What a fantastic giveaway! Just took a peek through your blog! You have done some awesome cards. Thanks for the chance to win! Off to link my blog.

Kimmi said...

Hi Fiona - Fab candy you have on offer. You have a wonderful blog full of inspiration!

I've linked you on my blog and also became a follower!!


Poppy Petal Designs

Aunty Sue said...

wow thank you never manage to catch these in stock and would love to be the lucky owner. Happy Birthday Adam i know how you feel my nephew will be 7 on the 8th and seems only yesterday he was born. He is one of my little stars and never fails to make me smile among other Where does time go. Hope he and you have the versy best of days and make the most of them. Mine is 26 and he is still my little boy. Sue xx

PatR said...

What great Candy Fiona and such a lovely blog. I have become a follower and left a link over on my blog. Thanks for the chance of winning and happy birthday to your son.

LINDA said...

Hi Fiona, OMGosh this is really some amazing candy you have here..You also have a very lovely blog..I will be back to visit..Thanks for a chance to win..
Hugs, Linda
Here is my blog

PinksyDoodles said...

Hi Fiona,thank you for the chance to win your fabulous blog candy. I have followed your instructions and here is my blog"Happy May Birthday Adam"
Clare x

Jen said...

I'm glad I stumbled across your blog, your work is stunning.
Thanks for offering this candy, I'll link you in my sidebar and keep my fingers crossed!
Jen x
my blog

Diane said...

Hi Fiona! Such lovely blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win it. I have added your blog candy to my sidebar. I also have become a follower you do fantastic work. Have a great day.


Diffirent Shades Of Life said...

Hi Fiona thanks for the chance to win the gorjuss girls. they are so cute. Have become a follower an will leave a link to your candy on my blog. Happy 7th Birthday.

NormaJean said...

wow fiona, what awesome blog candy, I became a follower and posted your candy on my blogs side bar, thank you so much for the chance
Here's my blog

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

Wow, what awesome candy and I love your cards on your blog!! I will post your candy on my blog tonight! I am already a follower.

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

I forgot to list my blog. It is

Have a great night! Oh, my daughter will 7 in July. Time flies! She is still my baby!

designsfromwithinbycharlotte said...

Hi Fiona I just found your blog....gorgeous cards and great blog..thanks for the opportunity to win some really wonderful blog doesn't get any better than this.
Good Luck to everyone who enters!
Best wishes, Charlotte

Grace said...

Oh wow... Fiona your blog is wonderful and I am amazed at your blog candy giveaway! I have posted a link on my blog and am a follower! What a great reason to celebrate!!!

My blog is:

Shannon said...

Happy Happy Birthday to your son Adam! Time sure does fly. They don't tell you that when you first have children. My little one just turned 6 and my oldest just turned 9. I could swear I just brought them home from the hospital yesterday. It doesn't feel like that much time has gone by. Anyway, I'm a follower and my blog is: I forgot how to post a link in a comment....AGAIN.
Happy Birthday to Adam (have a GREAT day)

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Hello Fiona! You have a gorgeous blog and a lovely blog candy! Happy birthday to Adam! Thank you for the chance of winning some great blog candy. I've linked you on my sidebar and also became a follower!

scrappyjacky said...

Lovely blog...and super scrumptious candy!! Have linked you.

Lin said...

Hi Fiona, Just discovered your blog, I fairly new to blogging. I think your cards are really inspirational. I have linked you to my blog and am now a follower of yours. Great candy.
My blog is:


Mina said...

wow stunning candy thanks so much for the chance to win...I have linked from my candy bar xxx

Rachel B said...

wow, that is some great blog candy! I am a follower and have linked your candy to my sidebar! Thanks for a chance to win. Your blog is so cute! And you are very crafty too!
Rachel B
Here is my BLOG

Caroljenks said...

Happy Birthday Adam :) You have a very generous Mummy :)
Thanks for offering this Fiona - I've become a follower of your fab blog, added a pic and linked your candy on my blog.
My 'babies' will be 18 very soon - I have NO IDEA where that time has gone!

Carol x

gina g said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gina g said...

Happy Birthday to your son Adam. Wow gorgeous candy Fiona would love to win this lot thanks for the chance of winning. luv gina xx

Here's my blog

crazyknutselgek said...

A great candy.
my blogI have linked you to my blog.

greetz Anita

Priscilla said...

Hey there Fiona, you have a wonderful blog. Thanks for the chance at your candy. I am now a follower and I am off to post you to my "CAN CAN CANDY ALERT!" on my side bar at:

Thanks again :)
Priscilla aka priscillastyles

Jacilynn said...

Hi There,
I love your blog! Happy Birthday to your son. Thanks for offering such great candy! Fingers Crossed. I've linked you on my blog and i'm a follower

Stressed Stamper said...
wow what a great blog and fab candy fingers crossed. posted link on side bar and become a follower

Sarah - Stressed Stamper

Alex said...

What a great candy!
Thank you for the chance to win!
I linked you on the sidebar of my blogGreetings from Vienna, Austria

stamping e said...

I just found your site. Love the candy. I have just found your cards on splitcoast and signed up and a new follower. I am just getting into the whiff of joy stamps , got my first ones in the mail yesturday and am so excited about getting a chance to color. Love your work. Fabulous. Ellena.

Chrissie said...

Hi Fiona!
What gorgeous candy, thank you so much for the chance of winning this.
My 'boys' are now 32 and 30 (how did that happen?) so I know what you mean about the time flying.
I love your blog so I've just become a follower and I've posted a link and photo on my sidebar.

helen said...

fiona your blog is fabby
thank you for the chance to enter your candy draw and a happy forthcoming birthday to your son
helen x

carol said...

mmm yummy candy thanks for the chance to win, link to my side bar will be done asap x carol

Artyjen said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Have linked to you on my side bar.
Good luck to all.

Artyjen said...

Sorry forgot you wanted the link! Der!!
This is my blog

Di said...

HI Fiona WOW fantastic Candy Congrats on your sons birthday mine is 11 this yr, and yes time does fly!! I have linked you to my blog.
Hugs Di xx

Beccy said...

You have a lovely blog Fiona, thanks for the chance to win such lovely candy. Have added you to my blog.

Unknown said...

Wow! So generous of you! I have added your candy to my sidebar and became a follower. Check it out!
BTW, nice blog!

~* Jay Jay *~ said...

WOW you are offering a wonderful candy, I just have to try it as I didn't order the Gorjuss kit this time, but of course I love the stamps :) I'm a follower now and I added your candy into my "candy jar" on my blog. You will find me here.

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Happy birthday to Adam when it comes. Great candy to celebrate. I have posted a link on my blog and I have been a follower for some time. Hugs, Lainy xxx

shortyrose said...

You have a wunderful blog. There are many nice cards.
Thanks for the chance to win this great blog candy!!! I've linked it on my blog:

Greetings from Germany

Unknown said...

Hi Fiona,
What fabulous candy. My first time on your blog. I am now a follower and have posted a link to you. I have some blog candy up for grabs too if you would like to pop over and enter.

My blog is :

Thanks xx

Nancy said...

Fab candy. I enjoyed looking at your blog, so I became a follower, and you are linked on my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win:O)

Lisa said...

Hi Fiona, Fantastic candy ~ Thanks so much for the chance to win! I have left a link on my blog (sidebar) and am a follower. x PS: You have a fab blog ~ lots of gorgeous cards. x

זהבית שקד said...

Wow what candy blog
thank you for the chance to winn
I've linked you on my blog and became follower


tracy said...

I have just become one of your followers you have an amazing blog and your work is gorgeous.
Thanks for a chance to win and happy birthday to your love son!
Tracy x

Carla said...

Fiona, thanks for this wonderful opportunity! You will make someone a VERY happy stamper! You are on my blog, and I am following you!!

Nadia said...

I have posted a link on my blog, thanks for the chance!

Suzanne said...

Wow what fabulous generous candy I have the first set but had to sit on my hands for this set as we have just had our hrs at work reduced :o( Sue :o)

cve said...

hank you for the chance of winning some great blog candy!

Orli said...

What a fab candy blog!!!
thank you for the chance to win
good luck to all.
my blog

Hege said...

WOW - what a fabulous candy you have! This is an opportunity I simply can't miss out on!
Here you find my post about your blog!
I'm crossing my fingers hoping to win this candy!

Caryn said...

Hi Fiona, I am so thrilled at the chance to win this candy - I missed the pre-order deadline for the stamps (sob). Thank you so much for this chance. I have put a link on my sidebar at Glitter Me Silly. and am following your gorgeous blog now.

Caryn .

Gro said...

Hi, Fiona.
What a fantastic Candy. I love the stamps, but I don't have any, so I X my fingers.
Here is my blog.
Hugs, Gro.

Daisychain said...

Just found your blog and have become a follower as I think your creations are beautiful. Thank you so much for the chance to win your great candy, I have put a link in my sidebar.

June Nelson said...

Hello fiona, yes children grow up so quickly dont they. Thankyou ever so much for the chance to win these beautiful stamps, fingers crossed I would love them. I do hope you have a lovely day whatever your doing, im off to link you now and im following huggies June xxxx

June Nelson said...

Sorry Fiona I left a comment and dint leave my blog, so sorry im new to al of this so forgive me, my blog is thankyou xxxx

Christine said...

Great candy. I don't have any Gorjuss Girls. I'm off to link your candy on my blog.

I'm having a giveaway to; go check it out if you'ld like.


Michele Roos said...

Oh wow gorjuss candy. I didn't manage to get my hands on either of the gorjuss sets so thank you sooooo much for the chance now. My eldest son is also 7 on the 6th May. I've added a link onto my sidebar and I'm off now to become a follower. Hope you have a lovely weekend. Hugs Michele x

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness...what an awesome prize to give! Thank you for this opportunity! You have a great blog...I love all your artwork! :)

Mephisto said...

thats a fab Candy from you! WOW.
I have posted it on the Sidebar on my
Blog Hugs

Pauline C said...

Wow Fiona - thankyou so much for this kind offer - yes kids grow up so fast! I have become a follower and will link to you on my blog. Thanks again
Pauline x

Ksenia said...

Hi! Lovely candy! I linked you

tanja said...

what is it great your blog i make my self a follower so I can see al your cards in the future by dutch girl tanja

Mira said...

A nice blog, a great candy and a fantastic cause for a candy!
I've linked your blog on my sidebar!


Janette said...

wow,how fab is that candy,thanks for letting us all have a chance to win this great prize,love the blog,hugs Janette.x

Lora said...

Wow this is amazing candy. I am a follower and I will go put a link on my blog. Hope your son has a fab birthday. My brothers birthday is also on the 14th of May and my Dad's on the 16th so I will be busy with birthday stuff then too!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Lora x

kaylou said...

Hi Fiona ,
your candy is just amazing, i've become a follower love your work don't how iv'e missed you before.
my linkhugs Kaylou xoxo

Tidbits of my Life said...

Fiona, you have a wonderful blog. I appreciate the opportunity to win some of your wonderful blog candy items. Here is my blog:


aardvarkpest said...

Fiona what a lovely blog you have. I've spent ages looking around and have become a follower.What fab candy. I hope Adam has a great birthday.I've linked you into my candy bar.


SemSee said...

WOW! What amazing candy, Fiona! Please count me in! I've become a follower, have posted about this delish candy on my blog here, and also added you to my Candy Jar! Thank you SOOOOO very much for giving us the chance to win such gorgeous candy. Hugs, Sem x

Moni said...

Waw fab candy and would love to win it! I became your follower! My blog:
Hugs, Moni

Nixe-Moni said...

Wow what a gorgeous candy!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Here is my BlogI´ve linked your candy on my sidebar.

Kirsten...x said...

Hi Fiona super candy thanks for the chance to win i am a follower off now to link to my blog hugs kirsten...x

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to get this nice Candy. I have posted a link on the left side of my blog.


Alenka said...

Great candy!Thanks for the chance to win.I linked your candy on my blog.
Here is my blogHappy birthday to Adam!!!

Unknown said...

Wow what an amazing candy, I just love the Gorjuss stamps. I've become a follower of your fab blog & put a link to your great candy on my blog.


Jan x

Manu said...

Hi Fiona!
You have such a wonderful blog! Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful candy! I will link you in my sidebar. Hugs Manu

debra said...

May is a great month for birthdays my little boy will also turn 5 on the 22nd and he is so excited, happy birthday adam
hugs Debra

Fern said...

This candy is fabulous.
The stamps sre GORGEOUS i love them!!!
Thanks for the chance to win such a gorge candy.
I have put a link in my Candy Bar. :O)

Fern xx

peggy said...

Hello Fiona,

You have a lovely blog and thank you for the chance of winning some great blog candy. I have linked you to my blog.

my blogGreetings,


Saskia said...

Wow... I'm so happy I just discovered your lovely blog! So creative!!
Thanks for sharing tis great candy! Someone, somewhere will be very happy with it...I can only dream it's me! :)

Your candy (photo and link) is at my blog, at the right side!

Greetings from Belgium,

RitaK said...

Hope you have a fantastic birthday-celebration. Thanks for this lovely candy, I would love to win... Your blog is inspirating, so I am now a follower. I am quite new as a blogger, but here is mine:

Anne said...

What fabulous candy your offering Fiona, am drooling already lol
Have a wonderful birthday celebration with Adam, he won't be small forever!
I've linked you on my candy bar and am now officially a stalker of your fabby blog
Anne x

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

awesome giveaway!
awesome blog!
thanks for the chance to win
put you in my sidebar!

Jill said...

Wow Fiona, I can't believe how much candy you are giving away, you are so genorous. I've become a follower and added a link to your candy on my side bar hugs Jill xx
you can find my blog here.

Christine said...

Hi Fiona great blog & Happy Birthday to your son, amazing candy on offer link is in my side bar with piccy. Thanks for the chance to win.

hugs Christine xx

Maggie Bob said...

What a wonderful candy, and thank you so much for the chance to win.

I have linked to you from the candy bar on my blog

mitch1066 said...

I'm your 100th follower!!!Woohooo
I also blogged at

Crystal said...

Wow thanks for the chance to win..I am going to post your candy!

a said...

ive added your candy!


Carina said...

Fab blogcandy!!

Here is my blog

Francesca said...


What great blog candy, I have added a link on my blog

Thanks For the Chance to win

Francesca x

Ida / Little said...

Happy birthday to Adam! :) I found you when you entered the CCC challenge and I'm sorry I haven't been around before, cause you make such gorgeous cards! I have been surfing back threw older posts now :) And what a generous candy, I have put you in my DT post for the new CCC challenge but it wont air until later today, so check back tonight to see it :) Have a great week and thanks for the chance to be in the draw for this yummy stash! :)

Hugs Ida

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona! Thanks for a chance to win this fabulous blog candy! I added the link with a picture in my sidebar and I'm a follower of your blog.

My blog is hereHave a great day
Greetings from Serbia

cardsandacuppa said...

I have just found your blog and all your beautiful cards! I found you through Ida's blog and have happily become a follower, will go and link you now, Happy Birthday to Adam. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy,
Hugs Sarah-Jane xx

Rusha said...

I have fixed my link!!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow what a gorgeous candy....Thanks for the chance to win.
I´ve linked your candy on my sidebar. Here is my Blog:


cindersmcphee said...

Great blog and amazing candy. I have linked you and am a follower. Happy Birthday to Adam when it comes.

Unknown said...

Hi! Thank`s for the chance to win!
I made a link to this post on my blog

I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section

jude said...

Wow Fiona ,
what fab candy you have to offer thanks for the chance and must say theses would look "gorjuss2in my stamp collection!!!lol
Have added link added to side barthanks again fingers crossed .Happy birthday to Adam too

Erin... said...

Ooooooooooooooh yummy candy!!! You're all linked up, thanks for the chance!

Alice said...

Hi from Italy, Fiona! Fab candy!! Thanks for a chance to win, I just put a link to my candybar, on the right in my blog: And I am a follower!

Mahals Creation said...

Hi Fiona,Happy Birthday to Adam :o)
Whats an amazing Candy you give away,i love the Gorjuss Girls but i had no stamps till now.Befor i play with psp and i use Tubes of her :o)
The Gorjuss Stamps was on my wishlist :o)
I will follow your nice blog too :o)
Hugs Mahal (Michaela)

katiesniche said...

What a nice blog you have!
I've placed you on my sidebar and I'm following you now too!
Thank you for the opportunity for this great candy!! The stamps are so cute!!

Nikki said...

Firstly.. Happy Birthday to Adam.. he's the same age as my middle son.. and boy don't they grow up fast..

Secondly.. WOW what a gorgeous blog.. and very generous blog candy..

I have linked to my blog here

Hope you have a good week.. Nikki x

Anastasija said...

Tanja said...

Wooow, lovely blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win!

I will become a follower and post your candy on my sidebar!

Hugs, Tanja

Lena Katrine said...

Wow! What a great candy! I've become a follower, and made a link to your candy in my candybar!

~Isabell~ said...

wow, what a fab blog and candy. I am really crossing my fingers for this one. I am now a follower and have posted you're candy on my blog


Lynsey said...

Wow Fiona what gorjuss blog candy! Thanks for the chance to win, I have put a link on my side bar for you.
You can see my blog hereHugs Lynsey:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a gorgeous candy. Thanks for the chance to win. These stamps are so wonderful.

Greetings from Germany,

Jessi said...

at 15.05. is my Birthday, perhaps i have one time luck?
would be happy! Thanks for this chance!


Anne said...

great candy thanks for sharing,

anne :)

Sandra Paul said...


A really nice Blog Candy here Thanks so here is the link to my blog so I post a note about your blog candy

Jenny said...

Ein tolles Candy und vielleicht ist der Mai ja mein Glücksmonat.:)
mein Blog

Crazy Creations said...

I just found your site very cool candy My sons B-day Is may 15 he will be 2 they grow so fast Ill post your candy on my blog Here is my blog Thanks for the chace to win I found you thought coldwater2

Julie said...

Love your blog, I really like your tilda cards, I only have 2 tildas

I linked you to my side bar and now a follower

Thank you

Julie x

sandra's crafty corner said...

wow i love the sugar nellie stamps and dont yt have any, so ive linked your blog to mine and become a follower, now i just need to keep my fingers crossed lol
Here is my blog.
thanks for the chance to win xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Fiona,

I've linked your blog to mine ( and I am a follower... now wait and see if I win this greag blog candy!

Riëtta (from Holland)

Shell said...

hiya fiona, wow would love to win these stamps and all the other goodies, thanks for the chance.
happy birthday to Adam......
shell x

Anonymous said...

Wowie, this sounds almost too good to be true! I'll keep my fingers crossed for this one..
I hope Adam will have a amazing birthday!!
X, Ava

Manuela said...

Your Candy is absolutely fabulous. Thanks for the chance to win it. I’ve linked you on my blog and I also become a Follower of your blog.
Manuela x

Shell said...

Thanks Fiona, I am new to your blog but will be following from now on. I just love the stamps, what great candy.Good luck to all..I have linked you up :)

Andrea said...

What a fantastic candy. Thanks for the chance to win! I link it on my blog here.And i am a follower now.
Hugs, Andrea

Cathy said...

Wow Adam you have a very generous Mummy. I hope you have a very Happy Birthday.
Gosh Fiona ... i want it all LOL!! That is amazing candy.

I am a follower and you are linked in my sidebar.
I now have my fingers and toes well and trully crossed.
Cathy xx

shinz @ cosycabin said...

Hi Fiona

I've added your candy link on my sidebar and a follower. Thanks so much for the chance to win.


Cathy Glitter Happy said...

great blog great candy thanks for the chance to win xx

Unknown said...

Hi Fiona!
So glad I found your beautiful blog!
I have just become a follower and I am sure I will check back often!
Thanks so much for the chance @ the Sweet candy!
I Have linked you to my sidebar @

Emma said...

Wow what a great selection!! Ive added you to my sidebar on my blog :) thanks for the chance to win!! Em xx

Kim said...

Fiona, darling, what AMAZING candy you have up for grabs! You are so very kind and generous to have all of this fun supplies to give away! :) Thank you so much for the chance to win! My mom is just beginning stamping and blogging and I would LOVE to win all of your goodies to surprise her with them! I have linked you on my sidebar....which you can find on my blog HERE.Thanks again for being so generous! I am off to be your follower now!
Big Hugs~ Kim

ale82 said...

Thanks so much for offering this awesome blog candy! I would love to have these little girls stamps ~ they are just the cutest!
I've linked you on my blog

ciao ale82

Lelia Pierce said...

Thanks for the opportunity. You're blog is inspirational! I have posted your candy on my blog as well! :O)

Nadja said...

A beautiful Blog Candy is, actually, I have no luck, but I would still like to try my luck.
Best regards Nadja (Sorry..... my English is not god)

My blog

Allison Rankin said...

Wowsers! That's some candy...those stamps are awesome!

Minxy said...

I found your blog through the candy offer but i'll be staying for the inspiration, your cards are awsome, just awsome :O)
Your linked 2 my candy bar here :O)

Diamond Doll said...

And Secondly WOW wow and triple Wow
What fabulous candy Fiona i would love to win this i missed out on ordering the Gorguss girls again.Thanx for a chance of giving some a home.
I am already a follower and have linked you on my sidebar.
My blog is HereThanx
Trish (-:

Mira said...

Hi, I also became a follower of your great blog and I linked your wonderful candy to my blog :)

KellyW said...

Wow, awesome blog candy! I have posted it on my blog, the addy is:

and I have become a follower also!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Tulpika said...

Congratulations to you son for his BD. It's coming up in the loveliest month of the year - I should know, cause my BD is also just around the corner :)
As for the Mum - thank you for the oppportunity to win this fabulous candy. I guess I would have a fit if I won - but heck, no worry, I promise I would survive :))
I've linked your blog on mine.

Kind regards from Slovenia, Tulpika

Ingrid said...

Hi Fiona,

Happy birthday to Adam!!!

Amazing candy! Thanks for the chance to win and post your candy on my blog


Kimba-Slydog said...

Wow, what a great blog and candy.

Thanks for the chance to win.

I surely link you on my blog:


Julie Temple said...

Love your blog!! I will link you...thanks for the chance at your GREAT candy!!

Rubber Hugs,

milli said...

Hi Fiona!
I'm so glad I discovered your blog, your creations rock!!
And what a fab candy!
I have added your blog candy to my sidebar, and I'm looking forward seeing more from you, as I'm now a follower:)
I hope Adam has a great birthday!


minerva said...

WOW what delicious candy. sounds like you need an eight day week (with one where no one needs feeding, washing,cleaning or tidying), a self cleaning craft room that looks like the ones you see in US publications and elastic walls just like me. Never mind you are sooo lucky to live in bonnie Scotland, it is my fave place - lived in Dalwhinnie and Ballachulish some years ago.
ok will shut up now... great blog!

Stampin Mindy said...

What great Blog Candy. My Birthday is in May also a great month! Your son is turning 7, my daughter is turning 7 in July they grow up so very fast! Enjoy his childhood!

Thanks for the chance to win I'm linking you here on my blog.

Kristin said...

Congratulations with your son's 7th birthday! :)

Your candy is wonderful, and I'm crossing my fingers for being the lucky one! ;)

I've linked you on my blog, and have become a follower. ;)

Tigger a(r)t work said...

Hello Fiona,

a great blog candy for win and i have it posted on my blog.
Hugs for your "little boy" ;o))

xoxo Tigger

Susanne Fuhrmann said...

Hi Fiona,

this is a fantasic blog candy!
I just posted it at and now I´m keeping my fingers crossed, because the Gorjuss girls want to move to my stamping room ;)

Hugs, Susanne

retiredheather said...

I have just found your blog and I must compliment you on a wonderful blog. Great creations. I have linked your candy on my sidebar.

retiredheather said...

Forgot to give the link to my blog

katy said...

Fantastic candy Fiona, wow, shall add you to my blog now xx

Aina said...

What a great blog you have! And the candy....are you sure you want to give it away?
I hope I'm lucky this time, since my own birthday is on may 14'th :O)
I made a link on the sidebar in my blog.

"pappi puikoissa" said...

Congrats to the young man of yours! My link is here.

Marie said...

Wow... great Candy!! Thanks for the chance to win it! I have left a link here:
Have a nice day!

Paiku said...

What a wounderful blog candy you gonna give.
Like your blog very much.
I have linked you to my blog and become a follower you blog.

SannaS said...

Nice to find a Kimi fan! =) I will surely follow your blog from now on! Lovely work. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy!
Hugs, SannaS

korttipaja SannaS

Anja said...

Wow, what an amazing candy you are offering to us. I am speechless!
My daughter will also have her (fifth) birthday at the beginning of May. The time runs and runs and runs...

Teri said...

Fantastic candy Fiona. Thank you for the chance to win. I've linked to you from my blog and am a follower.

Teri xx

Hege said...

Hei Fiona, you have a lovely blog and thank you for the chance of winning great blog candy. I have linked you to my blog.

FairlyGirly said...

Thanks for the chance to win the candy, my blog is
If I should be lucky enough to win I am on hol until the 28 May.

Cheryl said...

Hello Fiona,
Happy Birthday to your son :)
Thank you for the chance at winning your lovely blog candy !! I have linked you to my blog and also now follow your blog.


Joseline said...


What a great blog candy you're giving away!! Thanks for the chance to win. I posted your link on my blog.

tracie said...

Hi Fiona, oh wow what fabulous candy.. love those gorjuss girls. Thanks for chance to win... and a very happy birthday to your son Adam in May. Love your blog hun, your cards are fabulous, I will def be back to see more of your gorgeous work. I've linked you to my blog and become a follower.
Have a good week and thanks again.
Tracie :)xx

p.s thanks for joining my blog candy ~ good luck

KatzoKrazy said...

Thanks for this lovely gift! I was glad i saw the link to this site as you are really talented and give away great prizes :P hehe!

katie x

maxine said...

wow fantastic candy Fiona, thanks for the chance of winning it. Im a follower of your blog and have posted on my blog about your candy.

carmen scrapbooking said...

Fab blog and awesome candy. I have linked my blog to yours. Thanks for the chance.

Jodi said...

What a fantastic bunch of candy! I hope your son has a wonderful birthday :) I've linked your giveaway on my blog as well as added you to my follow list. Thanks so much for the chance to win :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Adam when it comes. They grow so fast. Fabulous candy on offer. Thanks for chance to win.

Ila said...

Happy Birthday to Adam!!..Thanks for the chance to win these lovely stamps!!..I've linked your candy on my sidebar...and am now a follower of your fabulous blog...Ila

Camille McNatt said...

Cute blog candy!! Would love to have the chance to win!
Here is my blog


pinky said...

So your Son gets a nice cake and we get gorgeous candy, sounds fair to me but probably not to him lol. I have linked you here. Thanks a bunch.

Anonymous said...

Those are such cute stamps! I've become a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

Jenni said...

Would so love to win these Gorjuss girls - of to link you on my blog
here and have become a follower of your lovely blog.
Jenni x

Lynne in NI said...

Happy Birthday to Adam!
Thanks for the chance of winning your lovely candy (I'm a follower and have linked you on My Blog)

Vee said...

Wow!! Fiona,amazing Candy, I have added to your followers and linked your awesome Gorjus Candy on my sidebar.Thanks for the chance to win.
xx Vee

Siobhan Brignull said...

wow what a "gorjuss" (LOL) giveaway, Ive been looking at these and trying to decide which one to have, but I think the wings one will be the one for me if Im not lucky enough to win this prize. Here's a link to my blog.

Just call me G said...

Wow Fiona thats some candy!!

Happy Birthday to Adam :o) does he know you have all these stalkers... I have added myself to your followers.. ( that always sounds a bit cult like doesnt it?)

Have added your blog and candy to mine..

Happy Crafting and thanks for the chance to win some yummy candy

Gina x

Lori said...

Great candy.....I hope I'm lucky!!

Thanks for the is my blog to check for the link:

Liz said...



Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Adam! They do grow up so fast. My girls are 9 and 15 and it seems like yesterday I was changing their diapers.

Love your blog, I am a follower and thanks so much for a chance at this amazing candy! I have added a link to your blog candy on the sidebar of my Blog

Allison said...

I love your blog! I think your purple "youre a great friend" card is especially cute. I have now offically become a follower and have posted a link in my sidebar.
thanks for the chance to win this cute set,
Fingers crossed, Allison

Ayelet said...

Wow, what a FAB candy!!!
Happy Birthday to little Adam (Time do flies when you're having fun :))...

I've pic linked your candy on my sidebar and also became a follower...
Thanks for the chance to win.

Kay D said...

Awesome candy! I am now following your blog, and I've posted a pic of the Gorjuss Girls and a link to your blog on my blog, here:

Robin said...

Great blog candy!! I have posted your link in my blog candy list on my blog and am now a follower!! Thanks for the chance!!

Leslie said...

Oh my gosh! I would rather win your blog candy than our state lottery!! Incredible candy! Your blog is fantastic, just love it and am very happy to be one of your new fans.BTW, Happy Birthday to Adam. I, as most moms do, know just how you feel. I have 6 children from 21 to 3 years old and I still feel that it was only last night I was telling my 21 year old bed time stories. Enjoy each day and create moments whenever possible. I was looking thru your blog, I can't believe I have never found you before, your creations are just beautiful. I have you listed on my blog.
Would love for you to stop by sometime.
Have a great day and I am keeping my fingers crossed all the way until May 15th!!!
Hugs, Leslie

Jennifer Hansen said...

What fun stamps!

Jaana said...

Hi Fiona..
Great blog and greta blog candy..
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hello From New Zealand

K said...

What a fantastic candy! Thanks for the chance. I'm a follower and I blogged your candy here Bye, Kitty

Kristi Scrap said...

Wow what a gorgeous candy....Thanks for the chance to win.
I´ve linked your candy on my sidebar. Here is my Blog:

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